Original Works
Publisher's Description
This book explores the essence of immunity. After an initial review of hypotheses, models, and theories proposed to explain immune phenomena in humans and mice, it summarizes the results from synchronic organism-level analyses and diachronic analyses tracing phylogeny. These results suggest that immunity is coextensive with life and is equipped with functions similar to the nervous system. Philosophical reflection with reference to Spinoza and Canguilhem suggests immunity is part of the essence of life – and the essence of immunity embraces mental elements with normativity. Approaching the essence of any phenomenon in this way is called “metaphysicalization of science.” This book demonstrates the potential of this approach and contributes to a richer understanding of nature.
◉ Yakura H, From Immunity to Science as Philosophy (Misuzu Shobo, Tokyo, 2023)
This book provides a scientific analysis of immunity and then reflects on it from a metaphysical perspective.

Publisher's note
● "Can immunity be elucidated by empirical science alone?"
Immunologist and Doctor of Philosophy (from Sorbonne University) opens up the possibility of a self-reflective and creative science.
● The sense of inadequacy felt in current empirical science. The immunologist, who sought a solution to this problem in philosophy, presents a new way of science. And the original significance of philosophy. Scientific knowledge and humanistic knowledge are linked by immunology.
● When the author was nearing the end of his more than 30 years of research in immunology, he had a great sense of inadequacy. What had he gained from pure empirical science, and did he understand immunity? The author turned to philosophy as one of the circuits to get to the whole picture of immunity, which could not be explained in terms of physicochemical science. This book is a proposal for science based on the results of his academic life in France, a thrilling discussion that freely traverses the humanities and empirical sciences.
Reviews from various quarters
● This book provides answers to fundamental questions of the human spirit and proposes a new biological framework of cognition.
An excellent theory of life that does not degenerate into a mere theory of the life sciences.
Prof. Sen Takeda, Teikyo University (Weekly Reader, May 2023)
● The immune system, ubiquitous in all living organisms, is the oldest cognitive system. The author expands his speculation and constructs a panpsychist worldview. While reading this book, I had the rare experience of scientifically sensing the all-encompassing Buddha nature of mountains, rivers, plants, and trees (山川草木悉有仏性). This book stimulated various imaginations.
Utsushimi (Bookmeter, May 2023)
● This book recognizes the fundamental principles that lie behind the phenomenon of immunity through rational thought. And now that we are returning to our daily lives after the new Corona, it also gives us an opportunity to rethink society, others, and ourselves.
Prof. Tetsuya Ishii, Hokkaido University (Book Review, June 2023)
● This book reminds us once again that the act of contemplation is of paramount importance for those involved in medicine in today's information-overloaded world.
Dr. Manabu Ato, National Institute of Infectious Diseases (August 2023)
● This is a great book that should be read by anyone interested in immunology.
Prof. Koji Taniguchi, Hokkaido University (October 2023)
● This book is like the Bible, as it has a lot of thought-provoking content no matter which part of the book you read.
Prof. Ko Okumura, Jundendo University (November 2023)
● The book From Immunity to Science as Philosophy represents a pioneering effort to meticulously and logically connect the vast scientific achievements in immunology, extracting the metaphysical elements therein and offering a new perspective that emerges from them. It vividly conveys Dr. Yakura's intent to present the "metaphysicalization of science" (MOS) in a concrete form through the phenomenon of immunity, aiming to bring about a transformation in the thinking of many scientists. The beautiful prose throughout the text invites even those unfamiliar with the field of immunology into the complex world of this science."
Dr. Tetsuo Saga (November 2023)
◉ Yakura H, A Meditative Life of an Immunologist in Paris -- In Search of a New Ethics of Knowledge (Ishiyaku Publishers, Tokyo, 2022)
This book summarizes the author's contemplations on science, philosophy, and life during his "holistic" life, from his time as a scientist to his philosophical studies in France. He also develops his own theory on the question of how we perceive the world (the ethic of knowledge), in particular by exploring the creative relationship between science and philosophy.
Publisher's note
● The long-awaited book version of the popular serialized essay "A View from Paris on This World" published in the magazine Igaku-no-Ayumi (Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine) has been published with substantial additions and rearrangements!
● "An Epicurean of Knowledge" talks about my Discourse on the Method: "Metaphysicalization of Science (MOS)" as a new way of cognition.
● What are the future "World" and a new "Ethics of Knowledge" that emerged from the interface between two cultures (science and philosophy, and Japan and France)?
Reviews from various quarters
● A superb liberal arts essay filled with esprit for surviving in the post-Corona era. Torahiko Terada (1878-1935) and Ukichiro Nakaya (1900-1962) in the olden days, and Shinichi Fukuoka in modern times, there are many scientists famous for their literary reputations. Following Tomio Tada (1934-2010), a famous writer in the field of immunology, the author's tranquil and elegant writing will capture the hearts of readers.
Kinokuniya MIRAI (June 2022)
● While it is said that philosophy does not exist in Japan, the author began a knowledge challenge at the Institute for Science and Human Existence (ISHE) in 2013. Based on this book, he is expected to set a milestone in the history of Japanese thought.
Prof. Ryo Fukatasu, Saitama Medical Center (August 2022)
● After reading this book, I am confident that you will find yourself looking at yourself in a different light.
Prof. Akinori Kimura, Vice President, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (Igaku-no-Ayumi, September 2022)
● A book of wisdom that will have a significant impact on the reader's life.
Dr. Akira Takeda, International University of Health and Welfare Hospital (Igaku-no-Ayumi, September 2022)
The Japanese version was published in 2019 by Misuzu Shobo, Tokyo.
Publisher's note
It has been said that the 21st century will be the "Century of Biology" but is definitely the ”Century of Microbiology" (Foreword to this book). You will find this to be true throughout the book...The book also provides a glimpse into the future of mankind that could be created by advances in microbiology.
To get a complete picture of the overwhelmingly elaborate and complex immune system, we must not stop at understanding how it works. The French academic tradition is at its best. This is a new study of immunity that brings the French academic tradition to life in the best possible way.